Dr. Conrad Murray sentenced to four years in jail

29th November 2011

Dr. Conrad Murray has received the maximum sentence available for the involuntary manslaughter of Michael Jackson.

The 58-year-old was ordered by Judge Michael Pastor to spend four years in the Los Angeles County Jail.

The judge said he did not have the legal authority to send Murray to state prison because of a new California law.

Sentenced to jail, Murray will likely only serve half of the sentence.

Judge Pastor added that although Dr. Murray was eligible for probation, he did not appear to have any remorse for his actions or no sense of fault and therefore he did not believe probation would be the appropriate sentence.

The King of Pop died in June 2009 from acute Propofol intoxication after Murray administered the lethal anesthetic in a bid to treat Jackson's insomnia.

"He obtained Propofol by lying, by not keeping records and by allowing his personal life to interfere with his professional responsibilities," Judge Pastor said in court today adding that Murray's conduct was "egregious" and "a disgrace to the medical profession."

"There are those who feel Dr. Murray is a saint. There are those who feel he's the devil. He is neither. He's a human being."

Judge Pastor said it did not matter that Jackson could have died at the hands of another doctor because the fact is that he died because of Murray's actions.

Prosecutor David Walgren also asked that Murray pay $100 million in restitution to Jackson's kids because that is how much the singer would have made from his This Is It tour had he lived.

Murray's lawyer Ed Chernoff said that his client would not be addressing the court because although Jackson's death was a tragedy that demands punishment, Murray's "book of life" is much better than just this one chapter.

"Michael Jackson was a drug seeker, and Dr. Murray was wrong in providing it," Chernoff admitted.

As he was escorted out of the courtroom, Murray put both of his hands up to his mouth and blew a kiss at loved ones.

Jackson's parents, children and siblings submitted a joint statement to the court begging Judge Pastor to make Murray responsible for his actions.

But the famous family maintained that they did not want revenge but were just seeking justice.

"There is no way to adequately describe the loss of our beloved father, son, brother and friend," it read.

"We still look at each other in disbelief. Is it really possible that he is gone?

"As Michael's parents we could never have imagined that we would live to witness his passing. It is simply against the natural order of things.

"And as his children we will grow up without a father, our best friend, our playmate and our dad.

"We are not here to seek revenge. There is nothing you can do here today to bring Michael back. But we will keep the love in our hearts that Michael embodied throughout his life.

"We respectfully request that you impose a sentence that reminds physicians that they cannot sell their services to the highest bidder and cast aside their Hippocratic oath to do no harm."

A restitution hearing was set for January where it will be decided if, and how much, Murray will have to pay out to Jackson's children. He rejected the opportunity to appear.

Tags: Michael Jackson,