DWTS: Whats Saving Bristol Palin From elimination Every Week?

12th November 2010


November 12, 2010 (Sampurn Wire):The reality show 'Dancing with the Stars' is undoubtedly one of the most watched and closely followed shows of America. Each contestant is observed quite meticulously and each elimination is scrutinized with a sharp eye in details.

However, if there is one contestant lucky enough to escape elimination, it has got to be Bristol Palin. This teen advocate is one dancing star born with the luck factor lying thick in her kitty. Despite being awarded the lowest marks by the judges, she luckily gets to stay back week after week, only due to the fact that the call in voters have her name on their lips!

Well, as several reports are screaming out the fact that Bristol could be getting the safety card only because of the tea party and her mother Sarah Palins political influence, which could possibly be the reason why so many phone calls keep coming in even in the the last minute to save this gal.

However, these tea party charges really do not seem to bother some of her supporters and it is largely being believed that Bristol could just be lucky to have supporters of her own from her own fan base.

Irrespective of the fact that Bristol Palin is considered to have missed out on some steps in certain rounds of the contest, it just cannot be denied that she has survived the competition. Whether the tea party has anything to do with it or not is simply another topic of discussion.

On the other hand, the question that Is the tea party really behind her surprise dancing run? Does it ring up at every elimination round!

--Sampurn Wire


