Evelyn caught club-hopping with Dhanush

31st July 2012

It's not been a while since she has settled down in Bollywood, but this beautiful actress has already caught everyones attention. Yes, Evelyn Sharma has been the new center of attraction for all the biggies in the Indian cinema.

Well, the latest buzz is that she was seen partying hard with the Tamil actor and singer, Dhanush. Apparently he celebrated his birthday last week and Evelyn flew all the way to Chennai to join him.

Ever since Evelyn visited Chennai for the inauguration of a gymnasium last month, the two have become very good friends.

It is also revealed that the actress was taken around to all the clubs along with Dhanush's friends as they danced their night out.

We wonder, if this new friendship with the Tamil star will bring about some movie entries for her in Kollywood too.

Tags: Dhanush,