Jason Eisener refused Tarantino for movie

15th July 2011

(Cover) - EN Movies - Jason Eisener was adamant that Quentin Tarantino shouldn't be involved in his debut exploitation film.

The forthcoming Hobo With a Shotgun originally started off as a contest-winning fake trailer by Jason to promote Quentin and Robert Rodriguez's Grindhouse double bill feature, which was later split into two standalone movies for its international release, Death Proof and Planet Terror. The trailer was such a viral sensation it ended up being turned into a full length film, featuring Rutger Hauer.

However, while the producers understandably wanted Quentin or Robert involved for marketing purposes, Jason was unsure.

"Honestly, I didn't really want it," he told "The distributors tried to see if they would attach their names to it but I said, No, let's just do this on our own.' I didn't want to piggyback off them at all."

Jason did reveal however that Quentin did give his blessing to the project, however.

"We told him that we were making the movie and he was super-stoked," Jason added.

Hobo With a Shotgun is the second fake Grindhouse trailer to be made into a movie, following Robert's feature length Machete, which boasted an all-star cast including Robert De Niro, Lindsay Lohan and Jessica Alba. (C) Cover Media
