Jayamala Pronounced Guilty Of Touching Sabarimala Deity

15th December 2010

December 15, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Kannada film actress Jayamalas statement that she had entered the Lord Ayyappa temple premises and had also touched the Sabarimala deity had come as a shock to several of her fans in South India and had set the lawmakers of the state of Kerala working towards finding a just punishment for the actress. According to the latest reports, Jayamala has been named guilty in the Sabarimala case. Traditionally, no woman who has attained puberty and has not reached the menopausal stage can enter the famed temple in Kerala. Therefore actress Jayamala has committed a crime in not only entering the temple, but also laying her hands upon the deity.

The revelation which was made more than four years ago had created quite a buzz in Kerala, more so because Jayamala herself admitted to the fact that she had entered the temple unlawfully. Along with the actress, the two other accused in the case are P. Unnikrishnan and the assistant to the astrologer Reghupathy. The charge sheet which has been filed in the Ranni First Class Judicial Court in Kerala finds the accused guilty of violating section 295 of the Indian Penal Code because they had carried out a deliberate attempt to malign religious sentiments.

P. Unnikrishnan had launched an investigation inside the Lord Ayyappa temple which showed results pointing to the fact that a woman had touched the Sabarimala deity. It was later that actress Jayamala held herself guilty of committing the crime.

-- Sampurn Wire

Tags: Jayamala,