Jim Carrey And NBC Asked To Apologise For Hurting Hindu Sentiments

17th January 2011

January 17, 2011 (Sampurn Wire): The NBC channel has done something along with Hollywood star Jim Carrey that fetched them the ire of the Hindus. On Saturday Night Live show of NBC, it showed Lord Ganesh in a sex act, which hurt the sentiments of the Hindus and they claimed an apology from the channel, the actor and all those responsible for the act.

Speaking from Nevada, USA, Rajan Zed, a Hindu statesman said that Lord Ganesh is highly respected in Hinduism and is worshipped in home shrines and temples. He added that this Lord cannot be used to dramatize any show in TV as it hurts the devotees when something like this is shown without any scriptural backing.

The January episode of NBCs SNL titled The Wrath of Ganesh Jim Carrey and Kenan Thomson elaborated a sexual technique. While doing so, the actors duo made funny mention of the elephant-headed god and his trunk.

Zed, who is President of Universal Society of Hinduism, added that such an act has offended the one billion Hindu people across the world and asked the channel to remove the episode from all the websites and any other links. He further added that they should not inappropriately drag any Hindu deities for commercial use in the future. Zed asked the actors, producer and Chief Executive Officer of NBC Jeff Zucker to sincerely apologize publicly for this.

Rajan Zed further said that Hindusim has welcomed Hollywood and all other entertainment industries but it should be taken seriously and respectfully.

We hope, the channel and the actors offer their apology very soon because no one has the right to hurt any religions sentiments!

--Sampurn Wire

Tags: Jim Carrey,