Kate Bosworth: Surfers are psychic

1st April 2012

Kate Bosworth has likened surfers to clairvoyants.

The 29-year-old actress had to learn to surf for her 2002 movie Blue Crush. She found it immensely difficult to master the skill of riding the waves and had huge respect for those who excel at the water sport.

"But it wasn't just the understanding of a sport, you also have to understand the water like a clairvoyant you see things before they happen," she explained to the May issue of GQ. "You learn when to take the wave, when to paddle out further. There's something about this inherent understanding that I think I'll retain forever."

Kate spent months learning to surf before she shot the film in Hawaii.

In Blue Crush, the blonde star played a girl who dreams of surfing on Hawaii's famed North Shore.

She struggled to master the sport and has compared its level of skill to dancing.

"[It felt] like long stretches of frustration followed by bursts of overcoming something it's not like you gradually feel you're getting better," she admitted. "The only other activity that I've tried that looked so effortless but was so hard was ballet."

Tags: Kate Bosworth,