KJo to write his autobiography

9th September 2011

Bollywood’s highly celebrated filmmaker Karan Johar’s life has been like an open book for his fans and the industry. Karan, apart from his larger than life films has an equally interesting life that often garners many eyeballs towards it. However, Karan has managed to keep his personal and professional lives separate.

The much talked about director, Karan Johar has made a promise to himself, he has decided that sometime down the line, he would like to pen down a book on his life. He recently stated that the book will have some of the biggest secrets of his life. Unlike many who write their books and release it amidst much brouhaha, Karan has decided that after completing the book he will keep it safe with someone whom he trusts the most and will ask the person to publish it once he is dead.

When quizzed on this unusual wish, Karan replied that the reason he wants the book to be published after his death, is that the book he plans to pen, will have some really ‘insane’ incidents of his life in it and he doesn’t want them to be revealed during his lifetime.

Tags: Karan Johar,