Kylie Minogue: Persona isn't real

8th June 2012

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Kylie Minogue has been putting "inverted commas" around her name for years.

The Australian singer-and-actress stars in Holy Motors, which follows the story of a man who travels between multiple parallel lives. Kylie relates to the character because she's struggled with her own public persona at times. The 44-year-old star is still getting used to being in the limelight.

"Oh, absolutely. Totally. For 25 years I've been putting those inverted commas around Kylie. It's a weird thing, the world we live in now, where everyone has a camera phone. There's a line in the film, 'Cameras used to be bigger than us and now we can't even see them.' When I started, there was something almost romantic about the notion of paparazzi. I mean, it wasn't. They were still chasing you down the road. But that guy had to put film in his camera and work out whether it was worth pressing the button to take the shot, otherwise he's got to stop and change the film. So it was like this age of innocence," she told British newspaper The Guardian.

"Whereas now, the cameras are everywhere. So if I'm at home in sweatpants, looking like a total dag, and I step outside? You don't even know where the cameras are any more."

Kylie promoted her new picture at the Cannes Film Festival recently. The beauty is glad people have accepted her acting career.

"I've got a lot of work to do before people stop thinking, 'Oh, what's Kylie Minogue doing in a film?'" she explained. "But this has made me feel it's possible to do something beautiful and challenging, and to be believable as someone else." (C) Cover Media
