Lily Allen Living In Fear

11th September 2010

September 11, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): The famous pop-star Lily Allen is pregnant with boyfriend Sam Cooper's baby and she is living in the fear of miscarrying her baby. Allen's fears are not unfounded at all; she lost her first child in 2008 due to a miscarriage. This miscarriage has traumatized the singer and made her more careful about her second pregnancy.

In a recent interview the popular singer confessed that her pregnancy has not been joyful so far because she is constantly haunted by the tragedy of her last pregnancy. Lily revealed that her second pregnancy is not very easy to deal with at all. Lily further added, "I came off the pill and weirdly a week later it happened. But then it was really difficult, I had complications."

The singer had a complicated start on her second pregnancy as well but this has not put off her dreams about motherhood. Allen said that she has been dreaming of becoming a mother since she was seven years old and seems like her dreams will finally come true.

The singer also discussed her plans to retire from the music industry to take care of her child. She wants to give her child a normal family upbringing that she herself craved in the past. We hope that things work out for Allen this time and may she be blessed with a healthy child.

-- Sampurn Wire
