Lindsay Lohan has glowing probation report

14th December 2011

Lindsay Lohan had a rare positive appearance in court today.

The 25-year-old actress was before Judge Stephanie Sautner for a probation progress report and has surprised everyone by doing well.

Lindsay arrived on time and in suitable attire of a beige cardigan and matching trousers and had nothing to worry about on this occasion because she has been doing a "stellar" job with her community service at the Los Angeles County morgue and has stayed out of trouble.

"Miss Lohan, you have actually done your work," Judge Sautner began by saying. "You're doing well and I'd like to see it continue."

The judge stated that the Mean Girls star had completed her court-mandated 12 days of community service early and had gone to an extra therapy session. She did five instead of the required four visits.

Judge Sautner said that the morgue was pleased with the work Lindsay had done before joking, "At least as pleased as a morgue can be."

Lindsay giggled as the judge reaped praise on her and seemed relaxed and in good spirits.

There was initially an issue on whether Lindsay was allowed to travel out of state to Hawaii last week for a vacation, but the Judge said that the starlet had not broken any rules because she was celebrating her sister's birthday and she was allowed to leave Los Angeles for family events.

Lindsay is due back in court on January 17th where she will be expected to have completed another 12 days at the morgue and four therapy sessions.

TMZ is reporting that it was her lawyer Shawn Holley who helped to turn Lindsay's life around.

The attorney apparently went to Judge Sautner before Lindsay's sentencing last month and told her that her client needed a rigid structure and strict rules to follow because she never got it from her own parents.

So rather than giving Lindsay a year to complete her community service the judge created the strict schedule where she has to put in a certain number of hours each month at the morgue and a particular amount of hours with her therapist.

Lindsay is said to now be blowing everyone away with her progress and the supervisor at the morgue has said her work has been "stellar" and that she is a "delight to work with and hard working."

The actress had found herself in trouble last month when she breached the terms of her probation stemming from her no contest plea in a necklace theft case earlier this year.

Tags: Lindsay Lohan,