Mahesh Bhatt shuns allegations over films

9th January 2013

Ever since the Delhi gang-rape has sent shock waves in the industry, there have been the so called moral police who have slammed Bollywood films for inciting rapists through the sexually explicit content in their films.

While many have raised their voices against these accusations, the latest to join the bandwagon is filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt who has dared the critics to prove that he has objectified women in any of his films.

Mahesh says that he is confident about all his films as he is certain that he has always portrayed women in a dignified way and not just as an object of desire.

"I have never, never looked at a woman as an object. I dare anybody to pick any film of mine and prove that the woman was a commodity in my film," said Mahesh.

He has made some of the biggest critically acclaimed films like 'Arth', 'Zakhm' and more. Mahesh claims that he has always shown women as the brave and strong ones in his films.

Tags: Mahesh Bhatt,