Michelle Williams explains parent rift

6th April 2012

Michelle Williams' parents didn't love cinema so never understood her "vocation".

The Hollywood star emancipated herself from her mother and father when she was 15 so she could go after the best roles on offer. Her loved ones worried about her, which she thinks was because they didn't understand why she loved acting so much.

"I went far away from my home when I was a child: I was only 15. I always dreamed about being an actress, like all the others young girls. But in my home nobody loved cinema," she explained. "My parents didn't know any talented people or anyone whose vocation was in the arts."

Michelle didn't let her differences get her down though. She still felt close to her family, especially to her grandmother as she had struggled in much the same way.

"I was similar to my grandmother Inge. At the same age she left Sweden and escaped to America," the actress told Italy's Tu Style Magazine. "But I still love the lefsa, a special dessert made in Sweden!.

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