Reese Witherspoon recalls un-cool' date

24th February 2012

Reese Witherspoon thought it was "really un-cool" when a date looked through private photographs on her computer.

The actress is happily married to agent Jim Toth, who she wed last year. She has openly discussed how difficult she found the dating game before she met Jim as she finds it hard to spend time with people she barely knows.

The star has now discussed some of her worst romantic moments, including a man who thought nothing of trawling through her private files.

"I had somebody go into my computer without asking me and look at all my photos. I thought that was really un-cool. And he deleted some of it, and I was like, 'What?' I didn't like that," she recalled.

Reese does think new technology can be useful when trying to find a partner though. If she wasn't married now she would think nothing of going online to check out a potential new boyfriend.

"It's a benefit and a curse having social media at your fingertips, where you can investigate the people you're dating. And don't they say there's some huge percentage of people who meet online now? Like one in five relationships or something? That's what the commercial says, so it must be true!" she is quoted as saying by British newspaper The Independent.

The 35-year-old made the comment with her tongue firmly planted in her cheek, as privacy is something she has strong views about. The star fears too much information about people is in the public domain, something she feels very keenly due to her high profile.

"I think the decay of privacy is very significant. It affects everyone today, although I think it's probably affected me for a little bit longer," she said. "I lost my privacy a long time ago. It's something that you make peace with and you try to be careful and safe about things."

Tags: Reese Witherspoon,