Rimes and Cibrian incredibly happy'

21st April 2012

LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cbrian would "steal kisses or hold hands" between bites at lunch this week.

The pair are preparing to celebrate their one year wedding anniversary on April 22.

LeAnn and Eddie decided to begin the festivities early and dine at Toscabova restaurant in Calabasas, California Friday.

When they took breaks from cuddling, the enamoured couple managed to finish their repast of beef carpaccio and chicken paillard

"All throughout their meal, they'd steal kisses or hold hands," an onlooker told People magazine. "They looked incredibly happy together. He had his arm around her shoulder and she would rest her head on the nook of his neck with her eyes closed."

LeAnn has taken to her Twitter account to express her excitement over their anniversary.

"A year ago this weekend was [so] perfect. (sic)," she tweeted.

"I gave Eddie his anniversary gift early. I can never wait! He was so cute. He loved it so much, he wore it to bed. For you dirty minds, it was a watch. :)-?"

LeAnn and Eddie will be unavailable for the next few days.

"Phone is going off so all my friends email me. Happy weekend." she wrote.
