Rob Lowe: People said cocaine was good

11th June 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Rob Lowe remembers a time when people said cocaine "was good for you".

Rob has been a successful Hollywood actor since the late 70s disco era. After he emerged into fame, fortune and prominence, he began to use drugs and alcohol. Rob has not used drugs in over 20 years, and says attitudes towards narcotics have drastically changed since he started off in the industry. From top studio management to on-set gaffers, universal viewpoints on drug use were generally indifferent when he was young.

"I grew up in a time when the studio had no problem with picking you up and letting you drink beer in the van aged 18," Rob told Elle magazine. "When people were telling you cocaine was good for you because it helped you focus; when, as far as we knew, there was no such thing as AIDS. It was completely different."

Sober for over two decades, he has no idea what is going on in Hollywood's wild party scene nowadays.

"I've been sober for more than 20 years now," said Rob, "so I don't have any sense of what's going on in the clubs and parties, other than what people tell me." (C) Cover Media
