Russell Brand: I'd marry again

14th June 2012

Russell Brand has opened up about his relationship status.

The actor's 14-month marriage to Katy Perry will officially be over in about a month's time when their divorce is finalised.

And he tells Britain's The Mirror newspaper that he is enjoying being on his own again.

"I'm single at the moment," Russell confessed. "I'm also dating. You know that sort of dating where you can do what you like?"

Russell claims to have been denying his "biological drive" when he became a married man and has recently been linked to fashion stylist Maeve Reilly and David Hasselhoff's ex-lover Anouska De Georgiou.

However, despite his new freedom, Russell has not been put off tying the knot for a second time.

"Yeah, I'd get married again," he said told the publication.

Russell admits that he had his eyes "peeled for my next wife" when he hosted the MTV Movie Awards earlier this month but got no takers.

"Which is disappointing," he laughed. "Not even from Michael Fassbender, even though I made it pretty clear I was interested. He's well cool. He stunk of booze and fags."
