Russell Brand interested in aliens

15th June 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Russell Brand has quizzed famous biologist Richard Dawkins about his views on aliens, spiritual powers and even God.

The comedian interviewed the renowned evolutionary theorist on his radio show before he resigned from the BBC in 2008 and recently uploaded an audio clip of their phone conversation on his official website

Brand, who is well known for his interest in world religions and is following the Hindu faith, was keen to discuss spiritual topics with Dawkins, whose studies are based on firm scientific evidence.

Knowing that they would have wildly opposing views on the matter, the ever-outrageous Brand introduced the interview with a comic sing-song.

"Richard Dawkins, if you're listening, you're a right miserable old sod," he joked before breaking into song. "There definitely is a Jesus, there definitely was a Mohammed, there definitely was a Buddha, and they've got magical powers like Power Rangers and they're the only thing that can save us!"

Dawkins took the comedian's banter in good humour and answered all of his questions.

The pair discussed a number of topics including God, aliens and a universal divine energy, but their views predictably clashed on all subjects.

"But does it though, Richard?," Brand exclaimed when Dawkins announced that all that matters was scientific evidence. "Why can't feelings be as good as thoughts? Oh go on, give us a cuddle."

"Well, you can feel all sorts of things, people who are insane feel that they are Napoleon it's not a serious argument to say you feel' something," the scientist argued. "There's got to be a better reason than that." (C) Cover Media
