Simon Pegg: Ignorance is bliss

18th March 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Simon Pegg thinks film trailers spoil most movies.

The 41-year-old British actor has become a cult figure within the movie industry, as a result of 2004s Shaun of the Dead, 2007s Hot Fuzz, and his latest film, Paul, co-written with close friend Nick Frost.

The pair have confessed they are movie buffs, regularly paying homage to specific genres in their collaborations. However, they both feel their overall cinema going experience could be improved if they were fed less information.

Its so hard to look at the internet now, you know this whole spoiler culture, youve got to be careful I think, Simon opinioned to online magazine Slashfilm, before Nick added, Trailers as well give a lot of spoilers away because obviously its a marketing based machine so you have to give a certain amount away. I think showing Gandalf alive in the second Lord of the Rings movie trailer, it was one of the things I saw in the cinema and screamed, no, idiots!

Instead, Simon believes ignorance is bliss when watching films. The star added that he thought his latest film would be greatly enhanced if viewers were taken aback by its content, rather than informed beforehand,

I think the perfect viewing of Paul would be to walk into the cinema and not know anything about it at all, so when Paul appears for the first time you are shocked. I think if you are a lover of movies, its probably good to discipline yourself from viewing any sort of publicity at all, so you can enjoy the surprises of the movie, he countered. (C) Cover Media
