Yesudas to be honoured

27th October 2011

Kerala Culture Minister K C Joseph told the Assembly on Monday that the State government will honor legendary playback singer K.J.Yesudas with a Lifetime Achievement Award.

'We will certainly honor him with a lifetime achievement award when he completes half-a-century years as a professional singer.' Joseph said, while responding to a submission by Congress legislator Hibi Eden, who informed the Assembly that Yesudas was completing golden jubilee in the industry.

Joseph however said the government could not confer any title on Yesudas as the Constitution did not permit any such decision. But the government was keen that the singer should be honored for his contribution to music and various other social causes, he said.

'Since his first recording, he has rendered songs in 14 languages, in an impressive music log of 35,000 songs, and has worked with every music personality in the industry.' Eden said. It was in November 1962 that Yesudas made his first professional recording. He is now a living legend with a huge fan following all over the world.

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