Police quizzes cosmetic surgeon related to Shikha Joshi's suicide

21st May 2015

The gruesome death of the small time actress, Shikha Joshi brought cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Vijay Sharma into limelight.

Cops of Versova police station on Thursday recorded his statement in connection to the ongoing probe into the death of Shikha.

In his statement, Sharma said that Joshi visited his clinic in Khar in 2006 to undergo a breast enhancement surgery. Sharma also said that Joshi registered a case of molestation against him at Khar Police station and the trial of that case is currently underway at Bandra court.

A video clip recorded of Joshi in her dying moments allegedly mentions that Sharma and a few married men had been troubling her.

The case is subjected as suicide since the post mortem report said the wounds were self-inflicted and not by another person. Shikha Joshi was last seen on the big screen in 'B A Pass' in 2013. 

Tags: Shikha Joshi,