Ray J denies Whitney sex tapes

21st March 2012

Ray J has denied reports that he is in possession of explicit material featuring the late Whitney Houston.

The R&B singer dated the Bodyguard star on and off for several years and spent time with her in the days before her death on February 11.

Star magazine had claimed that the 31-year-old is sitting on "a ton of sexually explicit photos and videos."

But TMZ has confirmed with his representative that no such material exists.

"The despicable tabloid report released today claiming the existence of a sex tape between Ray J and Whitney Houston is not true," the rep told the site. "There is no sex tape."

It had been claimed that Whitney's relatives were concerned about inappropriate material being leaked.

"[The Houston family] has been in contact with Ray and told him they do not want any photos or videos painting her in a bad light to come out," a source told the publication. "They explained to Ray that now is the time to honour Whitney, not drag her legacy down."

Ray J is well known for his 2007 sex tape with Kim Kardashian which helped to catapult her to fame.

Tags: Whitney Houston,