Shahid: "I am very happy being single"

24th April 2012

Shahid Kapoor who has always been taken as a cute adorable chocolate boy of the industry has changed to be the rugged carefree star who gives a damn about what the paparazzi talks.

In the past few months we've seen a whole new Shahid who is unapologetic of getting attention from all the women around. He acclaims that it is his 'bad rebellious boy' image that has worked in his favor. 

"Ever since I crossed 30, women have started taking me seriously. Until now, my target audience was school-going girls!" said Shahid recently. The actor who has been slammed with undue accusations, claimed that he has changed for good now - "I've kind of discovered myself in the last year-and-a-half. I've learnt to enjoy 'me' time and do stuff that I want to do," added Shahid. 

Ask him if he regrets being single and pat comes the answer exactly opposite to the expectations, "I am very happy being single," chuckled Shahid who later exclaimed that he is unfazed with link up rumors as they hardly affect him in personal life.

Tags: Shahid Kapoor,