Shriya against legal age for drinking

25th June 2011

Shriya Saran somehow manages to attract controversies with the stands she takes. Last year, she was caught in the Sabrimala controversy after she supported Dr. Jayamala. Later she was caught in another controversy regarding her dressing in the movie 'Shivaji'.

Now Shriya has made a statement rubbishing the legal drinking age of 25, calling it absurd. According to her, if people are allowed to vote and get married at 18, then drinking should also be allowed. This statement has deginitely caught the eye of many, stirring up a controversy. The actress said that she is not advocating drinking but she believes that once youngsters mature, they should be allowed to make their own choices.

She doesn't want to comment any further and has ended the topic with a sorry.

Tags: Shriya Saran,