Tamara Ecclestone: Mom fears for my spending

23rd October 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Tamara Ecclestone's mother thinks she has "mental problems" because of the amount she buys.

The 27-year-old socialite is the daughter of Formula One boss Bernie Ecclestone and his ex-wife Slavica, and her sister is Petra Ecclestone. She's famed for her extravagant lifestyle, which will be documented in new reality TV show Tamara Ecclestone: Billion $$ Girl.

The star owns a 45 million mansion in London and has hundreds of pairs of designer shoes. Her mother tried to keep her grounded when she was growing up, and often despairs of her.

"Mom did everything for herself. She even cleaned her own dishwasher. I don't. I do at weekends, though. I know it's bad. You must think I'm really spoilt," she told British magazine Grazia.

"I am aware of the recession. My mom is always having a go at me about my spending when she sees all the clothes in my dressing room she tells me I have metal problems. But I can't pretend that this isn't my life."

Petra recently wed in a $7.8 million ceremony in America. She lives in Los Angeles now, having bought the mansion which used to belong to Aaron and Candy Spelling for $85 million.

Tamara goes out to visit her sister, who she's close to. They do sometimes disagree though, with Tamara admitting stories that she left a restaurant where she was supposed to eat with her 22-year-old sibling are true.

"Yes, I did storm out," she said. "But it was because I'd come up with a group of friends and there weren't seats, and I just thought it was rude so we left." (C) Cover Media
