Producer Reveals Storyline Of Breaking Dawn

8th January 2011

January 8, 2011 (Sampurn Wire): Producer of the upcoming Twiligh saga Breaking Dawn, Wyck Godfrey has revealed the storyline of the two parts of the Edward Cullen Bella Swan love story that will hit theaters in the month of November this year and the same month next year. Ever since it was announced that Breaking Dawn will be divided into two parts, speculations surrounding the movie have been high. The most frequently asked question was perhaps, how exactly the split would occur between the two parts of Breaking Dawn.

And putting all speculations to rest is Wyck Godfrey, who explains that the first part of Breaking Dawn will essentially play scenes involving Edward and Bellas wedding, their subsequent honeymoon and the birth of their first child. And for all of you who expected sexual acts between Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart in the upcoming movie, this is a spoiler. Wyck Godfrey says that Edward and Bellas love making scenes are more towards the sensual than sexual.

The second half of Breaking Dawn on the other hand is primarily an action flick which will center around the battle between the Cullen family and the Volturis. The second half of Breaking Dawn deals with life and death issues of many lead characters, including Edward and Bella. And the audience is surely looking forward to both parts.

--Sampurn Wire

Tags: Wyck Godfrey, Kristen Stewart,