When Shahid met his crazy fan!

10th June 2014

Bollywood Actor Shahid Kapoor is very popular with girls and has a huge fan following.

This time around he came across a fan who is a teacher in Kolkata and ran away from home to meet Shahid.

She teaches class two students in Kolkata and is a huge fan of Shahid, so much so that in the pursuit of meeting him 3 months ago, she ran away from home.

"She tried to visit events, got in touch with Shahid's manager, tried to find where he stays, etc.", adds a source.

However, her family got to know in the meanwhile and came to fetch her.

The young girl again visited Mumbai last week and ran pillar to post trying to get in touch with him. When Shahid got to know of this he got his team to reach out to her. Shahid met her and she was euphoric.

While Shahid heard her story of how she ran from home and came to Mumbai, he explained how she should not be doing this.

Says Shahid, "It feels overwhelming when people have so much love and appreciation for your work."

He further adds, "At the same time it's worrisome when they do such extreme things. I met her and requested her to go back home to her family and loved ones."

Tags: Shahid Kapoor,