David O. Russell lined to Maleficent

15th June 2011

(Cover) - EN Movies - David O. Russell is the latest name being considered to direct Disney's new movie Maleficent.

Tim Burton was originally set to helm the live-action update of the Sleeping Beauty story, but left the project earlier this year. A host of directors including Darren Aronofsky and David Yates - have been linked to the picture since Burton's departure, and Russell has now been added to the list of contenders.

Angelina Jolie will play the titular character in the movie, which will be told from the point of view of the evil witch Maleficent.

Russell's schedule has opened up after he pulled out of directing Unchartered: Drake's Fortune, which is based on the popular video game. He has since revealed he quit the project because of creative differences.

"What can I say, I waded into those waters of the tentpole movies, and I wrote what I wanted to write, and I feel like I wrote my vision," The Fighter filmmaker explained to THR. "And the rest is up to those guys. I can't pick for those guys. I don't know what they want to do over there. It's just a parting of the ways creatively." (C) Cover Media
